Making the Ultimate Goody Bag at the Crayola Experience

It is always a bummer when you are leaving a fun party. The good thing is that there is often a goody bag being given out.  This can help lighten your mood. If you are a fan of goody bags then you will love the Crayola Experience. Everyone (even adults) get a bag at the start of their visit that they can fill up with their crafty creations. 

This article was sponsored by the Crayola Experience. All opinions expressed are my own.

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Where is the Crayola Experience?

The Crayola Experience location we visited is in Easton, PA. There are other locations in Orlando, Plano, Chandler and the Mall of America.

What ages will enjoy this the most?

I would say it would be best suited for ages 10 and under since it is geared towards younger kids. Adults will love it too when they visit since they have plenty of opportunities to create their own intriguing artwork as well at the same time as their kids. My husband and I had as much fun as each of our kids at each of the stations.

Are there bathrooms? Is there a nursing room?

Yes! There are lots of bathrooms and changing tables. They had different ones on each floor. There are also lots of hand washing stations around as well as hand sanitizer. We also saw a nursing room as well. If you are going with a baby I recommend having a baby carrier. I had my younger son in the baby carrier in front of me the first time we went.


Nursing Room Crayola Experience

Nursing Room

Crayola Experience Coat Room

Coat Room

Is there a coat room?

There is a coat room when you first walk in before you pay for your ticket.

How should I prepare for my trip?

I would wear bright colors since they are great for pictures. Crayon shirts are a fun idea for kids or for parents as well.

If you are telling your kids that you are going here soon you may want to get them some unique Crayola supplies as a way to get them excited. We love these twistable crayons that are easy to use. When my kids were toddlers they loved these Jumbo crayons since they were almost impossible to break. Some other Crayola products our family loves are their washable project paint, large colored pencil sets, scented markers and pearl crayons.

If you want to get something bigger they may enjoy an easel. We still use ours all the time.

Our Two Trips

We have taken the kids to the Crayola Factory twice. We took them once when my daughter was 2.5 and my son was 5 months old. At that time we were spending the weekend in Allentown. My daughter had just started to love art and she loved all the projects there. Even my son enjoyed the bright colors of everything, the Toddler Town area and the virtual wax “rain” area.

We just took them both again recently when we were spending a long weekend in Easton. They now are 5 and 7. These seemed to be the perfect ages to bring both of them. They both enjoyed every activity. We spent 5.5 hours there and we still had not done everything. If your kids are a little older I would definitely recommend getting there early so that they have plenty of time to create.

What are cheap ways to get tickets?

Currently there are Preschool Days from January 27th until February 28th. It is for kids ages three and four. They get free admission on weekdays. You must present a birth certificate or a passport at the ticket counter.

We had purchased our tickets online when we went the first time. Due to this we saved $3 per ticket.

Many places offer paper coupons that give you a $5 discount off of your admission price. (I have seen these at Wawa and at libraries before.)

Go on your birthday! Your admission will be free! Going within 7 days of your birthday means that you can get free admission if you show proof of your birth date. This is also a great time to go since the crayon wrappers you print will then have your birthday on them.

Go when your kids are young. My son was free the first time we went since kids under 2 are free.

If you are a preschool to 12th grade teacher you can get a free annual pass. Anyone in the military, law enforcement, firefighters or EMT can also get an annual pass for free.

Read more fine print about the special offers listed above here: Special Offers Crayola Experience.

If you are planning to visit on more than one day in the year then getting their annual pass is reasonably priced and it will save you money. It also includes some dates when friends can be brought for free.

Are there upcoming Special Events?

These are some Special Events for the Crayola Experience Easton location.

There are currently Preschool Days in February where kids three and four are free on weekdays (need a birth certificate or passport).

Every Saturday in February guests can get a free bag of Haribo candy at admissions.

Every month there is a Toddler Tuesday. There are free Toddler activities with your admission from 10:00 am until 12:00 pm on these days. The next Toddler Tuesday dates are on February 11th, March 18th, April 8th, May 20th, June 10th, September 16th, October 21st, November 18th and December 16th in 2025.

For the Toddler Tuesday on February 11th guests can make a Valentine’s Day Lovebug in the Unmellow Yellow Room and do a Meet and Greet with Tip the Crayon at 11:00 am.

Where can I stay when I visit?

We recently stayed at the Holiday Inn Express in Easton. The location was close, pricing was low and there was free breakfast and an indoor pool.

Here are some other options of places to stay:

Making a Goody Bag

After you walk through the lines at the entrance and show them your tickets everyone is given a bag. This bag contains a token for a crayon and for Model Magic. It also has a paper voucher for a Scribble Scrubbie. Each person’s bag is also large enough that everything you created during your visit can fit into this bag. We were told to visit from the top floor down so we started on the Fourth Floor. I will write about the things we enjoyed the most on each floor.

Floor 4

Texture Crayze

We started here. All of us had fun making multiple crayon rubbings. I liked the plates they had for people to use with the different Crayola crayon characters .

Melt & Mold
This was fun to watch. Crayons were put into a machine that melted into a mold. You could pick for your crayon to become either a car or a ring. Since there was some remaining wax in the machine from the prior crayon this also created a cool marbling effect.

Drip Art

This was one of our highlights on both of our visits. Everyone can create their own Spin Art by using their machines that use melted crayon wax. There is also a bar you can push forwards or backwards to increase or decrease the speed of the spinning. Each person also gets two crayons to use with this.

Drip Art at the Crayola Experience

Floor 3

Water Works

This is an 85 foot water table that each person gets a boat to push through. The kids had so much fun that we went through twice. My husband and I got our own boats to also put through. Along the boats journey kids get some hands on learning about things such as locks. This was my son’s favorite part of our visit.

Waterworks at the Crayola Experience

Puzzle It!

We all loved this area. There were different boards at art stations that people could decorate with markers or twistable crayons. After you finished you could take your creation to a machine. This stamped your artwork into a puzzle!

Puzzle at the Crayola Factory

Activity Studio and Paint Palette

There were lots of different tables set out around a room like stations for different art projects. We had fun doing one where we cut out and colored a crayon that sat inside of a racecar. If you are running out of time I would just put one of these projects in your bag to work on at home later.

The Paint Palette area had a pirate’s hat that we made. It was fun to use the Crayola paintbrushes that looked like markers to create.

Other things on this floor that we did not do or did not spend too much time on: 2 story Color Playground, Adventure Lab, Create and Play, the Chalk Walk and Wax Hands (has an additional fee).

Crayola Experience Racecar

Floor 2

This floor is super cool! Be sure not to miss it. This is the floor where the voucher and tokens from your bag can be used.


We went to this floor twice to see the two different shows offered. The first one was a cartoon about a Crayola crayon that was put in charge of the factory before it felt it was ready. The other show was partially on the screen and partially with a live person. In this show people saw firsthand how crayons were made in the factory with different machines. At the end of the show everyone received a free crayon that they had just watched being made.

Wrap it Up

At this spot you can pick your favorite crayon. You can make a personalized wrapper for it that includes the date, a name and an emoji. This is made by using one of your tokens. These are some of the best souvenirs to take home as well. You can purchase additional tokens to make extra for fifty cents. The lines can be long. I have found the best time to go is towards the end of the day.

Be a Star

This is one of my favorite parts at the Crayola Experience. You select a Crayola background on the screen and then get your picture taken. You then print out a copy of the coloring sheet. We also like to take one family picture as well.

Modeling Madness

Use your token in one of the vending machines that hold Model Magic Clay. There is an idea for what to make at each table as well as a variety of tools.

crayola model magic

Scribble Scrubbies

These you receive for free with your paper ticket voucher. There is usually a different one they offer each month. These can be colored and then rewashed and colored again.

You Design

Here we each were able to color our own cars. You then scanned them in and added features you would like. Then each car drove around on the wall as a projection. My son loved this.

Silly Selfies

Here you took pictures of yourself and added lots of silly things to go over your face in the picture. These pictures then were projected up onto a wall and danced around.

Rainbow Rain

Stand and look at the virtual wax falling on you. This is fun to run through as well.

Other things on this floor we did not do were: Toddler Town, Stomp & Play, Colossal Caddy, Create and Play and Outside the Box. My kids did enjoy Toddler Town and Stomp & Play when they were younger.

Rainbow Rain

Floor 1

Big Blue

After you walk through the ticketing area you can see this giant blue crayon that weighs 1,500 pounds!

Café Crayola

This is the dining area on the first floor. It is cafeteria styled with different food options. Parents seemed to like purchasing the Kid’s Snack Pack. While you eat there is a restroom and water fountain nearby. You can look out at the circle in downtown Easton. There are also interesting Crayola facts to read on the wall about crayons.

Cafe Crayola Crayola Experience
Cafe Crayola

Crayola Store

This is the souvenir shop everyone walks through before exiting. There are lots of Crayola art supplies sold here and many other items. We felt like we did not need any souvenirs from the store since we were already taking home all of these great art projects. We did get some pennies from the Penny Press machine on our way out to add to our collection.

What will adults enjoy the most?

Doing the Projects

Adults are given bags here and they are welcome to do everything as well as the kids. We fully embraced our inner child and both participated in doing every project along with the kids.

Crayon Factory Show

This show is very entertaining for adults. You can see all the machines and the process used to make crayons.

Taking Pictures

The lighting and bright colors everywhere make for some great photo opportunities. Be sure to plan out your outfits in advance.

Reading Things on the Walls

There are lots of interesting things scattered around Crayola Experience such as old Crayola advertisements, Crayola facts and puns.

Safety Starts with You!

Want other things to do while you are in Easton? Check out my article here: Fun with Kids in Easton: Crayons, Farm Animals and a Candle.

Be sure to visit the Crayola Experience soon while your kids are at a good age for it! It is a lot of fun for the whole family.


Fun with Kids in Easton: Crayons, Farm Animals and a Candle


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