Troll Hunting: A Guide for the Burlington County Troll Trek
The largest New Jersey County has a new attraction. Burlington County is now home to nineteen different trolls! Find out how to find each troll, where to park, information about them and what things to do in the area around the trolls. Learn which trolls are easiest to see with kids, toughest to find and more!
I am terrible at finding things. If I can find the trolls, then you can too!
This article was updated on March 20th, 2025.
Rear view of eight of the Burlington County Trolls and facial view of "Big Rusty"
What is the Burlington County Troll Trek?
This is a new outdoor art exhibition in Burlington County. The inspiration for this was from the first troll made by Thomas Dambo last year in Hainesport. The Troll Trek started after two trolls in Smithville Park were unveiled at Arts After Dark on September 28th, 2024. The map of troll locations was released as well. The Burlington County Parks System is an organization that is always coming up with fun new ways to promote the arts in our county. Many of the trolls we saw also included birdhouses. I thought these were a fun tribute to Thomas Dambo who had initially made many bird houses when he first started out.
Some of the information in this article is from the Burlington County Parks website.
What is a troll?
Trolls have taken on different forms and sizes depending on which mythology you have read. They are often seen as mischief makers and people often associate them with nature. Many stories talk of trolls coming out at night and turning to stone if they are out during the daytime such as in The Hobbit. Fortunately the trolls in Burlington County are not alive and can be seen at any time of day.
Where to Park
I have created a map of the best places to park near each troll. If you read the visiting troll section in this article after each troll you can also see our experiences arriving and parking at each troll.
Troll Locations
I have written the towns that each troll is located in below. It may be fun to try parking and search for the trolls yourself in the nearby area since none of them are too far from the parking areas suggested. If you want a map of their specific locations and to learn about the troll co-sponsors go to the Burlington County Parks website for a downloadable PDF with their coordinates. The kids loved reading the blurbs about each troll so be sure to print this before you head out.
Is there anything else I can do while on the Trek?
Yes! I made this set of 5 matching worksheets that is $2. They are similar to a scavenger hunt. You have to look for things like body parts and walking sticks associated with different trolls and then match them to the troll name.
Best Trolls to Visit with Kids
The best trolls to visit with younger kids are Trolls 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 18 and 19. Read about each of them below to find out why. These trolls all have easy parking and/or kid friendly activities near each troll.
Best Trolls to Visit by taking the Riverline
The best trolls to visit with the Riverline are Trolls 14, 15, 16 and 17. They are located in Bordentown and Burlington City.
Toughest Trolls to Find
The toughest trolls for me to find were Trolls 5 and 7. It is fun to have a challenge!
What to Pack When Troll Hunting
Hiking Boots or Good Sneakers - A couple of the trolls are on hiking trails. They are on easy ones that are also easily doable in sneakers as well.
Pen and Paper - It is fun to write things you like about each troll or even draw a sketch.
Basketball - A few of the trolls had basketball hoops nearby.
Water - It is good to stay hydrated. You will probably be out longer than you expect.
Snacks or a Meal - This depends on how long you are planning on staying out. Many of the trolls also had dining locations nearby.
How Many Days Should I Spend to Complete the Troll Trek?
Each of the trolls are in many of our favorite areas in Burlington County. I would advise visiting them over at least four different days so that you can spend some time in the area surrounding each troll as well.
Are there things to do near each troll?
Yes! We found lots of different things along our journey such as hikes, shops, restaurants, playgrounds, a story walk and more!
I will be visiting Burlington County to see all of the trolls. Where should I stay?
This answer contains affiliate links. This means I may earn a commission if you make a purchase through these links at no additional cost to you.
These are different options for places that you can stay in Burlington County: Expedia Burlington County Hotels. We have not stayed at any of the hotels on the list but we generally love staying at Hampton Inn hotels when we travel. They are usually very clean and also include a free breakfast. Here is a map of options that are located near the Troll Trek as well:
How long will the trolls stay up?
The first troll in Hainesport is a permanent installation that had already been put up in 2023. Originally the trolls were supposed to remain up until December of 2024. The Burlington County Commissioners announced at the beginning of March that due to its popularity the Troll Trek will remain up for the foreseeable future.
My Backstory in relation to the Troll Trek
I was intrigued when first hearing about the call for artists to make trolls in Burlington County earlier this year. I love how our county is always promoting the arts in different ways. After our recent trip to Denmark I was also fascinated by trolls since they are a big part of Danish culture. It was exciting to hear that Thomas Dambo had actually created one of his trolls in Burlington County! His art is inspiring and I love the messages that his trolls convey.
In college I was a part of the Green Cow organization and I minored in Environmental Science. The amount of trash in the world is always astounding to me. I love to reuse things as much as possible. During homeschool classes in the past my kids have reused coffee containers to make compost containers, grape tomato containers to make alien spaceships, yogurt containers to make ghost bowling pins, shoe boxes for Pokemon houses and large boxes for spaceships. The kids always love cardboard paper towel rolls for things like car tunnels and telescopes. I thought finding these trolls would help inspire us to find even more ways to reuse items and also to create more artwork.
Truck for a Monkey Made out of Recycled Materials
My Troll Trek
I went troll hunting over three different days to find all nineteen trolls in Burlington County. They are all spread out around the county so that they give you an opportunity to visit many different hot spots. I will tell you the trolls in the order in which I found them and tell you things that are exciting to visit near each troll destination.
The kids enjoyed visiting nine of the trolls on the list along with me and were experts at finding them quickly. We all loved seeing the various materials that were used to create each troll. My personal favorite trolls were 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15 and 19. I was highly impressed by all of the trolls in regards to their innovative designs as well as the use of a variety of materials by all of the artists.
Day 1
Troll #1: “Big Rusty”
Update: The Big Rusty wildfire that had broken out on November 18th, 2024 was contained by November 20th, 2024 thanks to the prompt response time of local firefighters. Big Rusty remained intact and people are able to visit Big Rusty again.
Creator: Thomas Dambo
Town: Hainesport, NJ
Best Place to Park: Parking area right next to Rusty
Big Rusty munching on some wiring at the abandoned Creek Turn Ceramic Supply Factory
About Big Rusty:
This was the 116th troll that was created by Thomas Dambo. He is a renowned Danish recycled artist and activist who has made trolls around the world. I had learned more about him when I was doing research before our recent trip to Denmark. He was born in Odense and currently has a farm outside of Copenhagen. Rusty was the first troll out of ten that were made in his “Way of the Bird King” sculpture series across the United States. No climbing is allowed on any of these trolls. Pictures are allowed to be taken with the trolls and there is no fee to visit any of them.
Big Rusty was created in June of 2023 from materials including plywood, electrical equipment, a concrete wall, wood and 100 square meters of a rusty metal roof. Big Rusty is built at the site of the abandoned Creek Turn Ceramic Supply factory ceramics factory and near a branch of the Rancocas Creek. Materials were rummaged from the factory and nearby woods.
Fun Facts: Big Rusty is a 20 foot tall troll and is a female.
Information about Rusty was derived from the Thomas Dambo website. His “Way of the Bird King” Fairytale can be purchased on his site: Be sure to see where the rest of his trolls are on his Troll Map. Further information was from this site and this article.
Don't Feed Big Rusty!
Image of Thomas Dambo, Courtesy of the Thomas Dambo Press Kit
Visiting Troll #1:
When visiting this troll head East on 38 if you are coming from the direction of Cherry Hill. When you have passed the Pep Boys you will soon turn right on a gravel road after the Pandora Diner. Keep heading down the road past the private property on your right and No Trespassing sign. You will reach a parking lot right next to Big Rusty where you can park for your visit.
I went here with the kids and we were amazed by how large she was. Big Rusty was taller than the building. It looked like she was lounging as she was reclined with her left arm casually draped over the abandoned building. She seemed to be happily snacking on some wires. The kids also loved the “Don’t Feed Big Rusty!” sign and were curious how someone could actually feed her in any case due to her height. The sign indicates that the troll should not be fed more trash or he will get bigger.
I always loved the cartoon movie The Iron Giant as a kid. Visiting Big Rusty was reminiscent of the scene where the giant is snacking on some power lines.
While you are visiting, if you also walk on the trail a little bit you can see more of the factory as well as a branch of the Rancocas Creek.
The site did have a lot of debris so you may want to be careful if visiting this troll with smaller children. Stay tuned for site updates since in the future this will be the site of Creek Turn Park.
Things to Do in the Area:
If you are heading on Route 38 East you will first pass Prospectors Grille & Saloon. This is a restaurant that also offers country line dancing at various times during the week. Not too far away from here is also the Hainesport Municipal Park Playground that was newly opened in 2022. Our kids love the unique play equipment that can be found here. Aziza’s is a great place to stop for lunch since if you purchase a menu item for an adult then one kid can get a free menu item as well.
Troll #2: “Gracie, the Gardener”
Creator: Norma & John Neimeister
Town: Eastampton, NJ
Best Place to Park: Historic Smithville Park Parking lot near the Smithville Mansion
Gracie the Gardener Sitting on Her Garden Bench with Flowers and Snakes
About Gracie, the Gardener:
Gracie loves gardening. She is a troll that is made up of many brightly colored recycled materials such as bottle caps. She is surrounded by the plants she loves which are made out of materials such as cans and metal. Be careful since there are also two snakes (made out of apple pouch caps) near Gracie!
Visiting Troll #2
When we arrived at Smithville Park we parked in the parking lot near the Smithville Mansion. We then disembarked to find Troll #3 and Troll #4.
She was one of our favorite trolls. Gracie is brightly colored and my son loved that Gatorade caps were used to make up the bulk of her dress. She is in what my kids call the maze section of the gardens at the mansion that they loved running through. I liked all the extra artwork depicting small, potted flowers that was next to Gracie.
Uh Oh! A Snake!
Gracie's Flowers
Things to Do in the Area:
Smithville Park is great to walk around! Walk around all of the historic buildings. Also be sure to hit the trails and walk onto the floating bridge while you are there. I have been there multiple times for classes or events through the Burlington County Parks system so you might want to combine your visit with one of these.
On your way to Smithville Park from Troll #1 you will also pass Smith’s Woods if you are going directly. Be sure to stop there for their butterfly garden, playground and trails.
Troll #3: “Troll On a Stroll”
Creator: KT Carney
Town: Eastampton, NJ
Best Place to Park: Historic Smithville Park Parking lot near the Smithville Mansion
Troll On A Stroll made out of Bicycle Parts
Troll Strolling through Smithville Park
About Nells:
Nels is a unique troll that is made up of different bicycle parts such as the chain. This is a nod towards the Star Bicycle days of Smithville. Smithville used to produce these bicycles in the 1800s. We had seen one on display inside the mansion in the past.
Visiting Troll #3:
This troll is just a short walk away from Troll #2. If you continue to walk in the area around the mansion you are sure to find him. The kids enjoyed imitating the pose of this troll and running around the paths near the mansion.
Things to Do in the Area:
Same things as listed above for Troll Number 3.
Troll #4: “Retlaw”
Creator: Julia Park & Adam Pietras
Town: Mount Holly, NJ
Best Place to Park: Mill Race Village Parking
Retlaw looking out at Mill Race Village
Retlaw the Flower Troll
About Retlaw:
Retlaw is a Mount Holly troll and garden combined. He has a broad body, wooden eyes and electrical cords for his beard. Retlaw was also constructed with part of a roadside fence and sticks. His arms have a slew of fake foliage.
Visiting Troll #4:
We parked in the Mount Holly parking lot that is within Mill Race Village. It was easy to find Retlaw. He was located across the street from Pops n More. The kids enjoyed seeing all the different materials that were used on his back.
Looks like it is No Shave November
I tip my hat to you good sir
Things to Do in the Area:
Be sure to visit the retail and dining options at Mill Race Village while you are looking for Retlaw. In the past I have enjoyed getting a coffee at the Colonial Cafe since it is cozy inside. Be sure to also look for this giraffe that we found.
Troll #5: “Bucket Head Bobby”
Creator: Lowell Doerr
Town: Mount Holly, NJ
Best Place to Park: Mill Race Village Parking
Looks like Bucket Head Bobby took the Ice Bucket Challenge
About Bucket Head Bobby:
Bucket Head Bobby is a tough troll to find. He has a bucket for a head and he is holding a lantern.
Visiting Troll #5:
We were searching for Bucket Head Bobby for a while. Then we noticed we had already passed him a couple times. If you are walking on High Street you will see him from afar when you are walking over the bridge section that goes over the Rancocas Creek. The kids were impressed how the artist had made him in this location.
Bucket Head Bobby Heading Out on a Night Hike
Outdoor area at Stratosphere Brewing Company
Things to Do in the Area:
After seeing Bucket Head Bobby it may be nice to walk around more in downtown Mount Holly. If you go to the Stratosphere Brewing Company and visit their outside area that is the best place to view Bucket Head Bobby from up close. We also love to visit the old schoolhouse. It is open for some Mount Holly events and by appointment. Mount Holly also often has local events and live music so be sure to check out their Calendar of Events before visiting the Mount Holly trolls.
Day 2
Troll #19:
“Tommy the Tetanus Troll”
Creator: Marc Tous, Fred Poinsett & Steven Thorpe
Town: Columbus, NJ
Best Place to Park: Arney’s Mount Park West Trailhead Parking Lot
About Tommy the Tetanus Troll:
Tommy is a forest troll and an environmental advocate. He seems to be guarding his nearby Troll Hole where he resides. He was made of a variety of materials including roof shingles, PVC piping, springs and more. His residence was mostly made of downed branches.
Tommy the Tetanus Troll guarding his Troll Hole at Arney's Mount Park
Visiting Troll #19:
I had been here before for a hike and it is a nice and serene area. It is easy to park in the parking lot and cross the street to start heading up the trail. I was easily able to find Tommy. I was impressed by how many types of materials were used and how he had his own Troll Hole as well. I liked how he was sticking his tongue out at hikers
Things to Do in the Area:
Hike the rest of the trail! This is a great place for hiking since it is quieter. It will look especially pretty in the upcoming weeks as the leaves change color more. The trail here is interesting since it is a mix of being in the forest as well as farmlands. There is an elevation change as you walk but nothing is too steep. A good portion of the trails here are paved.
You Shall Not Pass!
Paved trail portion at Arney's Mount Park
Troll #18: “Kevin”
Creator: Meg & Miles Simon
Town: Springfield Township
Best Place to Park: Juliustown Park Parking Lot
About Kevin:
Kevin is a small troll perched atop a tree stump. From this he has a good vantage point of the park. He is made of a variety of different kinds of rusty metal such as springs.
Kevin perched on a stump
Visiting Troll #18:
I arrived at the park and easily spotted Kevin after walking for a few minutes. This was a nice park amidst a residential neighborhood. I liked how his chest was shaped like a heart and how his ears were heads of hammers.
Things to Do in the Area:
This park had some nice amenities including a walking path, some fitness trail equipment, basketball court, playground and more.
Juliustown Park Playground
Troll #17: “Edward”
Creator: John Cannon
Town: Bordentown City
Best Place to Park: Bordentown Parking Lot adjacent to the Old Town Pub
Edward the Troll is ready to explore Crosswicks Creek and the Abbott Marshlands
About Edward:
Edward is a small troll that is made out of discarded metal. Both of his ears are pierced and he is sitting in a flower bed.
Visiting Troll #17:
I was able to park along the street. It was nice to walk around downtown Bordentown while I looked for Edward. I liked seeing how the metal was welded together to make Edward.
Things to Do in the Area:
Bordentown is a town I have frequently visited. There are many shops and restaurants to visit. Some of my favorite places are Marcello’s and Turtle Beans Coffee LLC. I will have an article about Bordentown coming out in the future.
Day 3 Part One
Troll #12: “Noelle the Troll”
Creator: Marc Tous, Fred Poinsett & Steven Thorpe
Town: Moorestown, NJ
Best Place to Park: Burlington County Agricultural Center Parking Lot
About Noelle the Troll:
Noelle is the type of troll your parents would warn you about. He had a more Halloween vibe and reminded me a bit of Babyface in Toy Story. He was made of materials such as hockey sticks. It appeared that he liked being near the barn and the gardens.
Noelle the Troll is ready to sow some seeds
Burlington County Agricultural Center
Visiting Troll #12:
I parked at the Burlington County Agricultural Center. I walked towards the buildings and I was easily able to find Noelle. I liked the hub from a Nissan that was on his back.
Things to Do in the Area:
The Burlington County Agricultural Center is a fun place to visit. I have been there in the past for country line dancing and their farmers markets. They were rated as having the #1 Farmers Market in New Jersey recently. They also have a nice community gardens area. The kitchen is sometimes open in the house where they sometimes have cooking classes for a fee or free demonstrations.
Troll #11: “Sally McScraps”
Creator: Marc Tous, Fred Poinsett & Steven Thorpe
Town: Mount Laurel, NJ
Best Place to Park: Elbo Park Parking lot on Elbo Lane
Sally McScraps lounging in the grass
Jessie's Playground at Elbo Park in Mount Laurel
About Sally McScraps:
Sally is a female troll that is mostly made of scrap metal. She is lounging in the grass at this quiet park. Her mouth is shaped almost like an alligator and she has a light bulb for her nose.
Visiting Troll #11:
I was excited to visit Sally since I had not yet visited this park as well. I parked and followed the flat and paved walking paths until I reached Sally. I liked her curly hair that was sticking out everywhere as this often happens to my own hair in the New Jersey humidity.
Things to Do in the Area:
This park had a nice playground for the two to five year old range with newer equipment. There were not too many people. It seemed like a popular spot for dog walkers. If you have older kids you may want to head to the nearby Laurel Acres Park afterwards which has even more amenities such as a small zip line on its playground. Sally is also not a far drive from Rai Rai Ramen which has very tasty food.
Working Hard or Hardly Working?
Troll #10: “Flora”
Creator: Carmen and Eduardo Jimenez
Town: Medford, NJ
Best Place to Park: Public Parking Lot behind the Medford Village Park
About Flora:
Flora is a giant troll head. Most of the features of her face are made up of different kinds of sand toys. Her hair is actually alive and a garden that is growing!
Flora - a Jersey girl that loves the beach and growing out her hair
Visiting Troll #10:
I parked in the parking lot behind Medford Village Park. I walked along Main Street until I found Flora. I really enjoyed finding different types of animals amongst the sand toy shapes on Flora’s head.
Things to Do in the Area:
Medford is a great place to take classes whether it is a music class at New Jersey School of Music, jewelry making class at Studio 67, art class at Medford Arts or cooking class at ITA 101. I have done a bracelet making class at Studio 67 that was great. Be sure to also visit some of the shops and restaurants in town. Our family also enjoys visiting Tacos el Tio which is a short drive away.
Outdoor Art in Medford
Main Street in Medford
Troll #9: “Melinda”
Creator: Jennifer Hildebrand
Town: Lumberton, NJ
Best Place to Park: Country Village Playground Parking Lot
About Melinda:
Melinda is a troll adjacent to a playground in a residential neighborhood. She has a big nose and cheery disposition. She is mostly made out of wood.
Melinda the Troll - Keeping watch over the Playground
Don't Worry Be Happy
Visiting Troll #9:
I drove through this Lumberton neighborhood. Here I found this playground with Melinda nearby. I loved her big smile that puts you in a great mood. This playground is great since it is completely fenced in. There are also picnic benches and a basketball court nearby.
Things to Do in the Area:
Play on the playground or shoot some hoops. Lumberton also has a tiny downtown area with a small gazebo that is nice for a quick stop. BK Brunch has some good Thai food and outdoor seating.
Country Village Playground in Lumberton
Troll #8: “Pipsqueak”
Creator: Maya Sorhage
Town: Westampton, NJ
Best Place to Park: Burlington County Library Parking Lot
About Pipsqueak:
Unfortunately it appears that this troll turned to stone when the sun rose! It appears his flower umbrella did not help him. He is a bashful troll that uses his ladybug wings as a defense.
Pipsqueak Trying to Shield Himself from the Sun near the Outdoor Amphitheater
Visiting Troll #8:
I parked at the Burlington County Library. Pipsqueak was located adjacent to the outdoor amphitheater. Some kids near me called him “Bug Man” which I thought was another great name for him.
Things to Do in the Area:
If you are a Burlington County resident be sure to request some library books from this library beforehand and pick them up through the drive through window. This library often has great events and concerts in their indoor theater during the cooler months. Be sure to walk along the Storybook Walk that is set up right next to Pipsqueak with your kids.
I believe I can fly
I believe I can touch the sky
Storybook Walk at the Burlington County Library
Troll #7: “Woody”
Creator: Jason Brown
Town: Westampton, NJ
Best Place to Park: Rancocas Nature Center back parking lot
About Woody:
This six foot troll is made in reference to Woody Guthrie. The head of the troll is made from a birdhouse and the troll is made of a variety of wood and even part of a barrel. This forest troll seems content to be amongst the trees.
Woody - A barrel of laughs
Woody happily playing music for his bird friends amongst the pine trees
Visiting Troll #7:
I parked at the Rancocas Nature Center. I first wandered on a few different trails before figuring out how to find Woody. I went past the back parking lot to the blue trail that started to the right of the bee homes. I followed it past the boardwalk section towards the tall pine trees. He was slightly off to the right of the trail. I really liked how he blended in with his surroundings. He appeared to be relaxing against a tree while he played some folk music.
Things to Do in the Area:
The Rancocas Nature Center has great trails to walk on. If you are visiting with younger kids they may enjoy the area to play in right next to the Children’s Garden, ponds with frogs and the Music Wall.
Area near the Children's Garden at the Rancocas Nature Center
Music Wall
Troll #6: “Weft”
Creator: Cassie Jones
Town: Mount Holly, NJ
Best Place to Park: Rancocas Valley High School Annex Parking Lot
Don't double park. Or else!
Weft puts the fun in fungus
About Weft:
Weft is a troll that is made completely of donated and natural materials such as wool, fiber waste and yarn. There were bicycle chains and ropes around his neck. His head is made of trimmed skirtings and at the top of his head you can see a crown made of dried Reishi mushrooms. He looks like he is ready to go on a hike. He is located in the Annex garden space.
Visiting Troll #6:
After parking in the parking lot at the Rancocas Valley High School Annex I went to the left hand side of the lot towards the back. He was easy to spot. There were some mushrooms growing near him. Remember to visit this troll outside of school hours. He is a great environmental addition since birds can take materials from him to make their nests and he can retain which will allow plants to grow.
Day 4 Part Two
Troll #14: “Visser”
Creator: Peter Bieling
Town: Burlington, NJ
Best Place to Park: Parking along the Riverbank between Talbot and Wood Street or across the street past the Doane School next to the Delaware River
About Visser:
Visser is a large Dutch fisherman troll who is happily gazing at the Delaware River while fishing. He is surrounded by bird houses for all of his feathery friends. He mostly seemed to be made of wood and evergreen boughs.
Visser the Fisherman Troll - catching birdhouses instead of fish every day
Visiting Troll #14:
We were easily able to find a parking spot along the road. The kids could not wait to go since they remembered enjoying some ice cream at National Night Out last year near the location of this troll. The kids were excited to visit this troll and were amazed at how much larger than them he was. It was fun to find a small troll friend near him as well. They liked trying to jump high to try and touch the object at the end of his fishing line. When we walked a little further we also noticed there were parking spots nearby.
He seemed like a bridge troll since he is located near the Burlington-Bristol bridge. Make sure to not bring any goats when you are visiting!
Things to Do in the Area:
This area is great for hanging out to watch sunsets or during the Golden Hour. The kids enjoyed also watching the cars go over the Burlington-Bristol Bridge nearby. Visser is right next to the path for people to easily walk along the riverbank. This would be a great spot to enjoy a picnic as well.
Troll #16: “Rily, The Abilities Troll”
Creator: Resources for Independent Living Staff
Town: Burlington, NJ
Best Place to Park: Along High Street in Burlington City
Rily Setting Out on a Hike
About Rily:
Rily is also the Abilities Troll and is supposed to empower people with disabilities. His cape seems to strengthen him. He had interesting teeth and seemed to mostly be made of wool. He confidently stands with his walking stick and hiking boots.
Visiting Troll #16:
Luckily my daughter noticed Rily as we were driving past. She liked how the troll looked a bit like a bear. I liked how Rily looked like a hiker. Rily was located near the Cornerstone Bank.
Things to Do in the Area:
Visitors can walk around the riverbank or visit some nearby shops or restaurants.
Troll #15: “The Art Troll”
Creator: Michael Kane
Town: Burlington, NJ
Best Place to Park: Along High Street in Burlington City
About The Art Troll:
This troll appears to want to share his art with the world. He has interesting touches such as his toes that look like colored pencils, mosaic paint palette, giant paint brush and license plates covering portions of his body.
Looks like the Art Troll is going to start painting a Green Man Group
Visiting Troll #15:
It was a short walk along High Street to visit The Art Troll. I was impressed by the extra art pieces that must have been done to create this troll.
Things to Do in the Area:
After visiting this troll be sure to check out the Historic Burlington Antiques Emporium nearby. It had some interesting finds. Fratelli’s is a great Italian restaurant that is a short drive away.
Visser can draw with his feet as well as he can paint with his hands
Historic Burlington Antiques Emporium
Troll #13: “Hagatha”
Creator: Jason Miller
Town: Delanco
Best Place to Park: Along any of the side streets across from the Ice Cream Bar
About Hagatha:
This 4 foot tall troll had a cloak that was covered in “Monster Mud” mixture and her face was made with a combination of this as well as clay. The cloak itself was made from reused textiles and she had an internal framework that was made of metal and wood. Her eyes are made of solar lights.
I Scream, You Scream, Hagatha Screams for Ice Cream!
Visiting Troll #13:
We found some street parking in Delanco. My son was looking at the map and he found Hagatha. She was located within Vine Street Park. It looked like she was really excited to eat ice cream. We really liked her spectacles, clever name and her pose where she was pointing. I want to return at night so I can see her eyes glow as well.
Things to Do in the Area:
Hagatha is located very close to The Ice Cream Bar. My daughter loved going there when she was younger and getting their Cookie Monster ice cream. Pied Out Cafe is only a short walk away as well as the Delanco Library. It has a great 11 am Preschool Storytime that is usually on Friday. Registration is required for this.
The Ice Cream Bar in Delanco
The Troll Trek was amazing! Who sponsored all of these trolls?
The Burlington County Troll Trek was sponsored by the Burlington County Commissioners and Division of Parks and the New Jersey Council on the Arts. Many trolls also had a co-sponsor. The different co-sponsors that some of the trolls had were Mill Race Village, Main Street Mount Holly, the RVHS Environmental Club, the Rancocas Nature Center, the Township of Lumberton, the Lower Forge Brewery, Mt. Laurel Township, the Delanco Environmental Advisory Board, the Delanco Recreation Commision, the Arts Guild New Jersey Inc., Rising Sun Counseling Services, the Bordentown City Environmental Commission and Springfield Township.
What can I do after I am done visiting all of the trolls?
These trolls are a great way to inspire us to lessen our environmental impact by creating less garbage and finding ways to reuse these things as well. These may be a good inspiration to make some Halloween or Christmas decorations that otherwise you may have purchased at a store. The artistry that went into making these was impressive as well. After this you may want to try making your own art piece or sculpture at home.
Finding each of these trolls was a fun adventure. Be sure to see all of them while also visiting some great places in Burlington County.